Recoverable Material

Since 2022, the Regulation on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for selective collection has been in force. This regulation entrusts the life-cycle management of containers, packaging and printed matter to the producers who market them. Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ) is the designated management organization (DMO) representing these producers. Since January 2024, ÉEQ has signed over 130 partnership agreements with municipal organizations responsible for managing recyclable materials, including one with the Pontiac MRC.

As of January 2025, the implementation of EPR for material recovery will standardize recovery efforts across Quebec. From now on, the Bin Impact program will be the benchmark for recycling, no matter where you are in Quebec.

All 18 municipalities in the MRC Pontiac have material recovery programs in place for containers, packaging and printed materials. Some have decided to introduce door-to-door collection, while others offer voluntary drop-off points. Regardless of the type of collection used in your municipality, the entire MRC Pontiac is subject to the “Bin Impact” program.

Once collected recoverable materials, i.e. containers, packaging and printed materials (CPP), are sent to Tricentris in Gatineau to be sorted and, when possible, recycled or recovered.
