Annual Report on Drinking Water Quality
Section 53.3 of the Drinking Water Quality Regulation states that “The person in charge of a distribution system or a tanker serving more than 20 persons and at least one residence must, no later than March 31 of each year, have completed a report on the quality of the water delivered for human consumption during the period from January 1 to December 31 of the preceding year. As of March 2022, municipalities responsible for distribution systems and having an Internet site must publish their annual report on their website.
Annual Reports:
Action Plan in Response to Presence of Lead in Drinking Water
Section 36.2 of the Drinking Water Quality Regulation states that “When water made available to a user from a distribution system serving more than 20 people and at least one residence does not comply with the quality standard for lead set out in Schedule 1, the person responsible for the distribution system must, no later than March 31 of the following year, draw up an action plan that includes a description of the measures he intends to take to remedy the situation, as well as a detailed timetable for these measures.
This action plan must be kept for a minimum period of 5 years by the person responsible for the distribution system, and a copy must be made available to the Minister on request.
In addition, when a municipality is responsible for the distribution system, a copy of the action plan must be published on its website.
Action Plan: